miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010


"Teaching Values means to prepare people to live in harmony. It means to understand the world and comprehend yourself. Education deals with Ethics so you can learn to live in a good way. As an educator, you should create the right conditions to help your students to develop their skills and abilities".


Education wouldn't work with out values because they are the human kind. We have different cultures in where the values, society and the behavior change.


Is a sense of behavioral conduct that differentiates intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and bad (or wrong). A moral code is a system of morality (for example, according to a particular philosophy, religion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code. Immorality is the active opposition to morality, while amorality is variously defined as an unawareness of, indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles.


Is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality—that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice, etc.


1 Pronouncements- to declare something
2 Warnings- To tell a person that there will be consequences if he doesn’t do what has been asked.
3 Principles- Things that family has taught.
4 Model- A way to follow.
5 Parables- A story that uses a normal life example to illustrate a true.
6 Morals- Lessons.

Different ways of teaching values

1. Teaching values through pronouncements, rules and warnings
This happens most of the times. Children are used to be scolded by adults, or they only heard suggestions or beliefs with no foundation.
2. Teaching values through examples and models
Children see a person who does something impressive and they want to imitate it. By a good example a teacher can tell the child “This is how I want you to be”.
3. Teaching values through stories and lessons
These talk about particular values. They teach how the main character does the right or the wrong thing in a specific situation. They also involve culture, time and beliefs.
4. Teaching values through examining personal actions of self and others
Get the students to look into their own lives. In order to do it the teacher can start sharing something about him. Doing this, the students will feel motivated to do the same.
5. Teaching values through problem solving.
The teacher comes out with dilemmas or conflicts and asks the students to make a judgment and explain it.

La espiritualidad en la educación

Para poder expresar de qué manera aplicar la espiritualidad con mi carrera (educación bilingüe), debo empezar explicando el concepto. Espiritualidad según los valores de la UMAD, significa “Nuestras palabras y acciones persiguen la expresión de trascendencia” Esta definición encaja con lo que creo, aunque le agregaría que además es un estado donde el hombre experimenta la plenitud máxima al tener una relación con Dios. Y ya que los seres humanos estamos formados de cuerpo, alma y espíritu, la espiritualidad estará relacionada con cualquier cosa que hagamos.
Dentro de la educación, considero que es muy importante que mis principios, creencias y convicciones se reflejen en mi enseñanza. Los alumnos, en especial los niños, tienden a darse cuenta si nuestro comportamiento es coherente con lo que enseñamos. De modo que al no tener un buen testimonio, es probable que mis alumnos no tomen en cuenta lo que enseñe.
Como maestra, pienso que no solo debe preocuparme el conocimiento, sino también la vida espiritual de los estudiantes. Muchas veces, existen alumnos que no rinden en la escuela y no siempre es debido a falta de conocimiento. En ocasiones, es debido a que sus vidas espirituales están desechas, ya sea por problemas en casa, falta de identidad o porque son esclavos de tal o cual ideología. Y es ahí donde puedo ayudar, al menos escuchando e interesándome. Si los alumnos ven en mi persona a alguien que es congruente en su manera de ser, actuar y enseñar, es probable que la semilla quede plantada, a la vez que lograré dejar la huella de la trascendencia.